function feasopt(filename)
% Copyright 2025, Gurobi Optimization, LLC
% This example reads a MIP model from a file, adds artificial
% variables to each constraint, and then minimizes the sum of the
% artificial variables. A solution with objective zero corresponds
% to a feasible solution to the input model.
% We can also use FeasRelax feature to do it. In this example, we
% use minrelax=1, i.e. optimizing the returned model finds a solution
% that minimizes the original objective, but only from among those
% solutions that minimize the sum of the artificial variables.
% Read model
fprintf('Reading model %s\n', filename);
model = gurobi_read(filename);
params.logfile = 'feasopt.log';
result1 = gurobi(model, params);
[rows, cols] = size(model.A);
% Create penalties, only linear constraints are allowed to be relaxed
penalties.rhs = ones(rows, 1);
result = gurobi_feasrelax(model, 0, true, penalties, params);
gurobi_write(result.model, 'feasopt1.lp');
% clear objective
model.obj = zeros(cols, 1);
nvar = cols;
for c = 1:rows
if model.sense(c) ~= '>'
nvar = nvar + 1;
model.A(c, nvar) = -1;
model.obj(nvar) = 1;
model.vtype(nvar) = 'C';
model.varnames(nvar) = strcat('ArtN_', model.constrnames(c)); = 0;
model.ub(nvar) = inf;
if model.sense(c) ~= '<'
nvar = nvar + 1;
model.A(c, nvar) = 1;
model.obj(nvar) = 1;
model.vtype(nvar) = 'C';
model.varnames(nvar) = strcat('ArtP_', model.constrnames(c)); = 0;
model.ub(nvar) = inf;
gurobi_write(model, 'feasopt2.lp');
result2 = gurobi(model, params);