#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
# Copyright 2025, Gurobi Optimization, LLC
# Solve a model with different values of the Method parameter;
# show which value gives the shortest solve time.
import sys
import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: lpmethod.py filename')
# Read model
m = gp.read(sys.argv[1])
# Solve the model with different values of Method
bestTime = m.Params.TimeLimit
bestMethod = -1
for i in range(3):
m.Params.Method = i
if m.Status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
bestTime = m.Runtime
bestMethod = i
# Reduce the TimeLimit parameter to save time with other methods
m.Params.TimeLimit = bestTime
# Report which method was fastest
if bestMethod == -1:
print('Unable to solve this model')
print('Solved in %g seconds with Method %d' % (bestTime, bestMethod))