Fixed issues in Gurobi Optimizer 10.0#
This page lists the issues fixed in each technical release in the 10.0.x series.
Fixed issues in Gurobi 10.0.3#
Fixed floating point exception in presolve
Fixed hang when querying sensitivity analysis attributes on a numerically unstable LP
Fixed R interface for handling log, loga and logistic general constraints
Fixed issue with wrong objective value and dual bound reported after MIP cleanup finds a solution
Fixed LP file format reader for general function constraints
Cleaned up error calculations on polynomial general function constraints
Fixed segmentation fault due to a missing destructor call when explicitly dlclose’ing the gurobi library
Fixed handling of empty columns after uncrush that leads to stalling at the end of an LP solve
Fixed not always passing the current incumbent solution to the next objective hierarchy solve in multi-objective optimization
Fixed issue with not respecting cutoff parameter for models with disconnected components
Fixed wrong answer due to handling of primal bound for models with disconnected components
Fixed issue with API methods to copy a model not copying variable and constraint tags
Fixed numerical issue in presolve that may lead to wrong answers for MIQPs
Fixed segmentation fault due to an invalid write when setting an LP warm start basis
Fixed segmentation fault in the dependent row checking of LP presolve
Fixed possible segmentation fault when calling the partition heuristic in the MIP cleanup phase
Fixed potentially infinite loop due to an integer overflow in symmetry handling
Fixed issue with not respecting a user’s model.terminate() signal if called too early
Fixed wrong answer due to scaling when re-solving an LP after turning it into a multi-scenario model by adding an empty scenario
Fixed floating point exception in partition heuristic
Fixed wrong answer due to bad relaxation of a variable bound in presolve aggregation of length 2 equations
Fixed usage of sparse array data types of scipy 1.11.0 in gurobipy
Added missing operator overload for MLinExpr * LinExpr in gurobipy
Fixed issues in Gurobi 10.0.2#
Fixed index order of the tuples returned from Model.addConstrs in gurobipy
Fixed segmentation fault in partition heuristic when run in parallel
Fixed potential non-determinism in partition heuristic
Fixed wrong answer issue with piece-wise linear objective primal simplex method
Fixed wrong answer bug with lazy constraints for MIQCPs with MIQCPMethod=0
Fixed return values for MIPSOL_OBJBST callback code
Fixed segmentation fault when re-solving a non-convex MIQCP with a tree having node files
Fixed segmentation fault in network simplex on model with duplicate arcs
Fixed wrong error code 10001 in distributed MIP
Fixed potential issue with overshooting time limit in barrier solves
Fixed issue that gurobi_cl and a Compute Server solve have different solving paths for QUBO models
Fixed issue with overshooting the time limit in a primal heuristic
Fixed licensing issue with retrieving the user name when an invalid locale is used
Fixed wrong answer on continuous QCP model that is wrongly detected to be convex
Fixed wrong answer issue for MIQCPs due to conflicting dual reductions
Fixed wrong answer for a nonconvex MIQCP with unbounded relaxation
Fixed very rare potential segmentation fault with network cuts
Fixed invalid network cuts in the presence of a quadratic objective
Fixed issue with lazy constraints being ignored and an infeasible solution being accepted
Fixed issue in distributed MIP with occasionally not recording solutions found after the ramp-up phase
Fixed issue with the environment callback not working properly anymore
Fixed performance issue in a heuristic that uses a loop with quadratic complexity
Fixed issues in Gurobi 10.0.1#
Fixed issue with occasionally returning an invalid solution status in concurrent LP when barrier encounters numerical issues
Fixed numerical issue in outer approximation cuts that can lead to wrong answers for MIQCPs
Fixed a performance issue in OBBT that can lead to overshooting the time limit
Fixed issue with printing internal parameter settings to the log when using distributed workers in Gurobi Instant Cloud
Fixed race conditions when creating multiple Gurobi environments in parallel threads
Fixed small memory leak in lift-and-project cut seperator
Fixed wrong answer arising from sub-MIP cuts with “PoolGap=0” parameter setting
Fixed bug with applying an invalid lifting for quadratic constraints in presolve
Fixed potential segmentation fault in lifting for quadratic constraints in presolve
Fixed rare issue with occasionally using one thread more than allowed by the “Threads” parametrer
Fixed bug in orbital probing that can lead to wrong answers for symmetric models
Fixed bug in coefficient strengthening that can lead to wrong answers for models with tiny coefficients
Fixed bug with reporting wrong objective values in the log file of multi-objective solves
Fixed handling of user callback function when copying a model
Fixed inconsistency with handling variable bounds that are exactly -1e+20 or +1e+20
Fixed presolve reduction when general integer variables appear as squares in quadratic objective function
Fixed presolve reduction on quadratic objectives with maximization senseFixed bug in non-convex MIQCP with accepting an infeasible solution after domains became too tiny to branch on
Fixed bug with running feasibility pump multiple times during the solve
Fixed issue with wrong SOS types returned for remote environments and empty SOSs
Fixed inconsistency between version information in local and Compute Server log output
Fixed recording when computeIIS() is called for a Compute Server session
Fixed segmentation fault when writing an IIS model and variable or constraint tags are present
Fixed segmentation fault when using NodeMethod=2 for MIQCPs
Fixed issue that number of open Gurobi environments in a process was limited by OS resources
Fixed bug with creating the fixed model for models that contain SOS2 constraints
Fixed wrong answer for MIQCPs with MIQCPMethod=0 and constraints marked as lazy
Fixed issue with returning an internal error code 100001 on a non-convex MIQCP
Fixed segmentation fault when setting Crossover=0 in a multi-objective environment for a multi-objective LP
Fixed numerical issue in parallel column presolve reduction for variables with huge bounds
Fixed bug with calculating an IIS for a model that contains semi-continuous or semi-integer variables
Shut off messages from WLS module if OutputFlag is set to 0
Fixed an infinite recursion in a heuristic for MIQCPs that leads to a stack overflow
Fixed numerical issue in handling models with independent components that can lead to wrong answers
Fixed potential segmentation fault when displaying the tuner results
Fixed numerical issue in presolve when merging piece-wise linear constraints modeled by linear constraints
Fixed bug with not discarding multi-objective changes from update cache if the model update contains an invalid change
Fixed numerical issue in presolve that can lead to wrong answers
Fixed potential segmentation fault when adding variables to a model that has using the VarhIntVal, VarHintPre or Partition attributes
Fixed wrong answer when applying original problem heuristics in MIQPs
Fixed wrong error message when accessing uninitialized attributes in an MQConstr object
Fixed issue in gurobipy with using MVars of size 1 in SOSs and indicator constraints
Fixed issue in gurobipy with using MVars of size 1 in Model.ChgCoef()
Fixed lagged console output in Matlab
Throw exceptions for errors in Java API of SetObjective() and SetObjectiveN()
Fixed issues in Gurobi 10.0.0#
Fixed issue in gurobipy with multiplying an MLinExpr from the left to an MVar
Fixed issue in gurobipy with creating MVars with multiple singleton dimensions
Fixed segmentation fault when removing the callback after starting an asynchronous optimization
Fixed issue in gurobipy with mixing LinExpr and MLinExpr objects
Fixed bug with partition heuristic not running for PartitionPlace=16
Fixed numerical issue in cuts with tiny coefficients that may lead to wrong answers in very rare cases
Fixed issue with multi-objective environments not allowing to set the logfile name
Fixed issue with not calling the callback for solutions found in MIP cleanup at the end of the solve
Fixed bug in conflict analysis for non-convex MIQCP models that may lead to wrong answers
Fixed bug with solutions being not available with Compute Server if the solve is interrupted during the NoRel heuristic
Fixed an infinite loop due to switching back and forth between QCP and LP relaxation for an MIQCP solve with numerical issues
Fixed an uninitialized memory read in barrier algorithm that may lead to non-deterministic behavior in rare cases
Fixed wrong answer bug by improving numerics in simplex by switching to quad precision more often for bad models
Fixed performance issue in the lifting step of probing in presolve
Fixed bug that work and time limits were not checked before starting to process MIP starts
Fixed performance bug in network simplex algorithm on ARM chips
Fixed numerical issue in infeasibility proof cuts that may lead to wrong answers
Fixed version mismatch warning with Java API in version 9.5.2
Fixed bug that objective constant change is ignored for maximization problems when only the sign of the constant changes
Fixed performance issue in NoRel heuristic where Gurobi stays in phase 1 even though an almost feasible solution has already been found
Fixed issue in gurobipy with raising a GurobiError instead of returning NotImplemented when LinExpr and other objects cannot handle an input type
Fixed issue in gurobipy with Model.getAttr() returning bogus results instead of raising an exception when called with incorrect attributes
Fixed bug with not printing log information for a very long time in a special case of presolve probing
Fixed issue that sometimes solutions survive in the solution pool even though they should be discarded due to the PoolGap parameter
Fixed bug in presolving with returning an infeasible solution for a model with semi-continuous variables
Fixed bug with returning a wrong IntVioIndex, i.e., the index of the variable with largest integrality violation
Fixed bug in gurobipy when setting attributes of a 0-dimensional MVar
Fixed performance issue with the clean-up phase taking very long for IntegralityFocus=1
Fixed issue that computeIIS does not show the output of the initial model solve
Fixed bug in the LP file reader for general constraint attributes
Fixed bug with using multiple MIP starts in a Compute Server session
Fixed numerical issue for binary MIQP models that are linearized, which can lead to wrong answers
Fixed rounding of incumbent objective values in log output
Fixed numerical issue in presolve with variables with small positive lower bounds appearing in quadratic terms
Fixed an infinite loop in primal simplex when a primal start vector is provided and partial pricing is used
Fixed a bug that the MIPSOL callback is not called for one of the solutions found
Fixed numerical issue that lead to not cutting off a solution even though a lazy constraint was added in the callback
Fixed bug in dual presolve reduction that very rarely cuts off all optimal solution
Fixed segmentation fault in RINS heuristic for models with SOS constraints
Fixed bug in PWL simplex that results in an “Invalid piece-wise linear objective” error
Fixed bug that strong branching is not checking the time limit often enough
Fixed issue with using a wrong basis for concurrent LP solve with warm-start basis
Fixed issue with a heuristic call on a non-convex MIQCP leading to an Error 10005
Fixed issue with being unable to get the dual ray for a local node for unbounded non-convex MIQCPs
Fixed bug with error messages being lost in some APIs when using a callback